Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our India

How India was
Plenty of gold there was
But britishers came
And stole it all

How India is
plenty of kindness there is
But selfishness com
And steal it all

How India will be
That is not sure
It shall be good
or bad it would be

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


My brother will race
with a lot of grace
On a bike
with a mike
He never falls in this game
And his name is in the hall of fame
he'll be the first
leaving the rest - last


Winter sets in,
sweater gets in.
From the box,
Come out woolen socks.
on mountains snow falls,
And people play with snow white balls.
Water of ponds and lakes gets freeze,
and where warm clothes or you'll get disease.
Winter sets in,
sweater gets in....